B Braun Dialysis machine
In hemodialysis, patient has kidney failure, the patient's blood is pumped through the blood compartment of a dialyzer, exposing it to a partially permeable membrane. The dialyzer is composed of thousands of tiny synthetic hollow fibers. The fiber wall acts as the semipermeable membrane. Blood flows through the fibers, dialysis solution flows around the outside of the fibers, and water and wastes move between these two solutions.[6] The cleansed blood is then returned via the circuit back to the body. Ultrafiltration occurs by increasing the hydrostatic pressure across the dialyzer membrane. This usually is done by applying a negative pressure to the dialysate compartment of the dialyzer. This pressure gradient causes water and dissolved solutes to move from blood to dialysate, and allows the removal of several litres of excess fluid during a typical 3 to 5 hour treatment.
In the US, hemodialysis treatments are typically given in a dialysis center three times per week (due in the US to Medicare reimbursement rules); however, as of 2007 over 2,500 people in the US are dialyzing at home more frequently for various treatment lengths.[7] Studies have demonstrated the clinical benefits of dialyzing 5 to 7 times a week, for 6 to 8 hours. This type of hemodialysis is usually called "nocturnal daily hemodialysis", which a study has shown a significant improvement in both small and large molecular weight clearance and decrease the requirement of taking phosphate binders.[8] These frequent long treatments are often done at home while sleeping, but home dialysis is a flexible modality and schedules can be changed day to day, week to week. In general, studies have shown that both increased treatment length and frequency are clinically beneficial

B. Braun's Dialog+® Hemodialysis System incorporates sophisticated medical equipment while offering convenient handling in an appealing and ergonomic design.
B braun hemodialysis equipment achieves ideal balance easy to operate with flat screen technology and color touch screen, monitor designed flat for easy handling.
B Braun Dialog System
* Fully rotatable flat screen monitor
* Icon driven touch screen system
* Automatic machine shut-off after disinfection cycle is complete
* Definable user profiles for UF, Na, Bicarb, Temperature, Dialysate and Heparin
* Patient Diskette System
* Profiling capability
* Auto On/Auto Off Timer
In the US, hemodialysis treatments are typically given in a dialysis center three times per week (due in the US to Medicare reimbursement rules); however, as of 2007 over 2,500 people in the US are dialyzing at home more frequently for various treatment lengths.[7] Studies have demonstrated the clinical benefits of dialyzing 5 to 7 times a week, for 6 to 8 hours. This type of hemodialysis is usually called "nocturnal daily hemodialysis", which a study has shown a significant improvement in both small and large molecular weight clearance and decrease the requirement of taking phosphate binders.[8] These frequent long treatments are often done at home while sleeping, but home dialysis is a flexible modality and schedules can be changed day to day, week to week. In general, studies have shown that both increased treatment length and frequency are clinically beneficial

B. Braun's Dialog+® Hemodialysis System incorporates sophisticated medical equipment while offering convenient handling in an appealing and ergonomic design.
B braun hemodialysis equipment achieves ideal balance easy to operate with flat screen technology and color touch screen, monitor designed flat for easy handling.
B Braun Dialog System
* Fully rotatable flat screen monitor
* Icon driven touch screen system
* Automatic machine shut-off after disinfection cycle is complete
* Definable user profiles for UF, Na, Bicarb, Temperature, Dialysate and Heparin
* Patient Diskette System
* Profiling capability
* Auto On/Auto Off Timer
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